Due: Thursday 12/12 10:00am

Submission name: work31_listarray

Create a ListArray class with the following features:

  • A ListArray should store char values using an array.
  • Include the following methods:
  • ListArray(int capacity): Constructor that sets the initial capacity of the underlying array.
  • ListArray(): Overloaded constructor, set the initial capacity to 20.
  • String toString(): Return a string showing all the elements in the list, enclosed by [], with spaces between.
    • e.g. [ ] or [ A B C ]
  • void add(char c): Append c to the end of the list. (assume there is enough space in the underlying array)
  • char get(int i): Return the value at index i. If i is invalid, return 0.
  • int indexOf(char c): Return the index of c. If c is not in the list, return -1.

Use the following driver file code to test your class:

ListArray la;

void setup() {
  la = new ListArray();
  populate(la, 10, true);


  int i = la.indexOf('C');
  int j = la.indexOf('?');
  println("index of c: " + i + " " + la.get(i));
  println("index of ?: " + j + " " + la.get(j));

void populate(ListArray s, int count, boolean ordered) {
  for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
    char c = char('A' + i);
    if (!ordered) {
      c = char(int(random(26)) + 'A');