• Work 05: Organics

    Due: Thursday 2/13 10:00am

    Submission name: w05_organisms

    Thursday 2/13 Update:

    Use the class descriptions below, and by the end of Friday 2/14 you should have the following classes:

      flowchart TD
        A[Organism] -->B[MovingOrganism]
        A --> C[CustomClass0]
        B --> D[CustomClass1]
        B --> E[CustomClass2]

    Test your classes in your driver file.


    Over the next few days, we will create an aquarium program. In this program we will have an Tank class, which will contain various subclasses of some root class (and possibly others). When the program is run, we will see the aquarium, and all of the animals in it moving about.

    Starter Classes

    Here is the UML diagram for Organism which will be our main superclass:

        class Organism {
            int size
            PVector position
            int health
            Organism(int s, int x, int y, int h)
    • Create the Organism superclass.
    • Make one subclass, MovingOrganism, which will be for any tank denizens that can move around. Add instance variables and methods as needed.
    • Make a subclass of MovingOrganism (we wont be creating instances of MovingOrganism). To start, the subclass may only differ from MovingOrganism in how it appears.
    • Make a subclass of Organism that would represent a living thing that does not move (like a plant or a coral…).
    • Create a driver file that tests your subclasses.


    To start, have your display() methods use basic processing shapes. Once you get your classes working, you may want to use a picture in display(). There is a processing class called PImage that you can use. Here is a simple example:

    PImage pic = loadImage("nemo.png"); //create the PImage object
    pic.resize(50, 50); //change the size (width, height)
    image(pic, 25, 10); //draw the image at pixel (25, 10) - upper-left

    In order for this to work nemo.png must be a file that is in your sketch directory.

  • Work 04: Kingdom Anamalia

    Due: Tuesday 2/11 10:00am

    Submission name: w04_aquarium-design.md


    Over the next few days, we will create an aquarium program. In this program we will have an Tank class, which will contain various subclasses of some root class (and possibly others). When the program is run, we will see the aquarium, and all of the animals in it moving about.

    Class Diagrams

    In class, you created inheritance and class diagrams for this program. Your job is to turn those diagrams into technical documentation using a diagram language called mermaid.

    • You can find an example diagram using PathShape and its subclasses on theSource
    • You can find documentation on how to make these diagrams here
    • You can find a live editor here
    • Finally, here is an example of mermaid code and resulting diagram:
        Animal <|-- Duck
        Animal <|-- Zebra
        class Animal {
            int age
            String gender
            isMammal() boolean
        class Duck{
          String beakColor
        class Zebra{
            boolean is_wild


          Animal <|-- Duck
          Animal <|-- Zebra
          class Animal {
              int age
              String gender
              isMammal() boolean
          class Duck{
            String beakColor
          class Zebra{
              boolean is_wild

  • Lab 00: So Many Shapes

    Due: Monday 2/10 10:00am

    Read the instructions in the code and write the requested code.


    Skills Assessed

    Skill Minimal Competency Developing Competency Competency Mastery
    9. Writing Readable Code Uses descriptive identifiers. Uses indentation and newlines to create more readable code, and descriptive identifiers. Uses inline and block comments when appropriate. Uses indentation and newlines, and descriptive identifiers. Can take a large programming task and break it up into smaller functions.
    15. Writing Classes Can design a class by grouping together ideas that should be encapsulated into a single class. Can separate out the fields from the methods while designing a class. Can write a class with fields, a single constructor and methods. Can write classes with fields, and overloaded methods and constructors.
    23. Implementation of Inheritance Can extend a class. Can add new fields and methods to a subclass. Can override inherited methods and use super() in constructors effectively. Can place fields and methods appropriately in a class hierarchy, reducing redundant code.
    24. Polymorphism Can use variables of the appropriate type within a class hierarchy. Can use data structures to store and work with objects within a class hierarchy. Can explain which classes inherited functionality come from within a class hierarchy. Can design and explain an inheritance tree, including class diagrams.

  • Work 03: Finding Your Center

    Due: Thursday 2/6 10:00am

    Submission name: w03_centroid

    Skills: 23, 24

    A Little Geometry:

    The centroid of a polygon is a formulaic way of identifying what we would consider the “center”, which is non-trivial for irregular polygons. To find the centroid you must iterate over all the vertices of the polygon.

    • For each point from 0 to the number of points - 1, take the sum of the following, stored separately (like in sumX and sumY variables):
      • \[(x_{i} + x_{i+1})(x_{i}y_{i+1} - x_{i+1}y_{i})\]
      • \[(y_{i} + y_{i+1})(x_{i}y_{i+1} - x_{i+1}y_{i})\]
      • When i gets to the last point, perform the calculations above replacing \(i + 1\) with 0. That is to say the correct calculation requires the last point to loop back around to the first.
    • Take each of those sums and divide them by 6 times the signed area of the polygon.

    Add Centroid to our Shapes

    With all this in mind, add the following features to the PathShape class from last week:

    • 1 new instance variables:
      • PVector centroid: an array to store the x and y values of the centroid.
    • 1 new method
      • void setCentroid()
        • Sets the centroid instance variable.
    • 2 modified methods
      • display
        • Draws a circle of diameter 5 at the centroid. Use a different color than the inside instance variable.
      • makeRandomShape() or the Constructor
        • call setCentroid() after setArea()

    Create a Septagon Class

    A Septagon is a seven sided polygon. Create a Septagon subclass of Polygon that only contains code that maintains the seven-sidedness of the polygons.


  • Work 02: Area, but Harder

    Due: Wednesday 2/5 10:00am

    Submission name: w02_area

    A Little Geometry:

    The signed area of a polygon is a measure of how much space is enclosed by the shape. For a polygon with non intersecting sides, this is the same as the area, but it is also a measure that can be made for shapes with sides that intersect.

    • The signed area can be found by iterating over the vertices of the polygon. For each point from 0 to the number of points - 1, take the sum of the following (this is known as the shoelace formula).
      • sum+= \((x_{i} y_{i+1} - x_{i+1}y_{i})\)
      • When i gets to the last point, perform the calculations above replacing \(i + 1\) with 0. That is to say the correct calculation requires the last point to loop back around to the first.
      • At then end, take the cumulative sum and divide it by 2, this is the signed area.

    Add Area to our Shapes

    First, get the updated PathShapeDriver code from thesource (this includes updates from class today). Then add the following:

    • To PathShape
    • New instance variables:
      • float area: stores the signed area.
    • New method:
      • void setArea()
        • Sets the area instance variable as defined above.
    • Modified method:
      • void makeRandomShape()
        • Call setArea() after the points are made.
        • Set inside to magenta (255, 0, 255) if area is less than shapeSize and cyan (0, 255, 255) is area is greater than shapeSize.
    • Verify that the above changes have been added to Polygon, if not, add code to Polygon where needed.


  • Work 01: Shaping Your Path

    Due: Friday 1/31 10:00am

    Submission name: w01_pathShape

    Step 0: Create your new work repository:

    Step 1: Code!

    Create a class called PathShape. A PathShape will represent a shape made by connecting a series of points that will be contained in a square area (but may not take up the entire area).

    • Start with the PathShapeDriver code available form thesource repository.

    A PathShape will have the following instance variables:

    • ArrayList<PVector> points; An ArrayList of PVector objects representing the vertices of the PathShape.
      • You can see more about PVectors here but at the moment, we only need to use the fact that they have x and y instance variables.
    • int numPoints: The total number of vertices the shape should have.
    • PVector corner: (x, y) position of thew top-left area that will contain the shape.
    • int ShapeSize: The side length of the suqare area that will contain the shape.
    • color inside: The fill color for the shape.

    Fill in the following methods:

    • PathShape(int np, int cx, int cy, int ss):
      • Set numPoints to np.
      • Sets the corner to (cx, cy).
      • Sets shapeSize to ss.
      • Sets inside to a color of your chosing.
      • Initializes points and calls makeRandomShape() (see below).
    • void makeRandomShape()
      • Adds np random points to points by calling makeRandomPoint()
      • The shape need not be a polygon.
    • PVector makeRandomPoint()
      • Returns a new PVector object where the x and y values will always be within the square area that defines the calling PathShape object.
    • display()
      • Use beginShape, vertex and endshape to draw the PathShape on the processing screen.
      • The shape use the instance variable colors accordingly.
      • The shape should be closed, so that last point should connect to the first.

    If done correctly, the provided driver file that will create 4 PathShape objects to be displayed in a grid like so:


  • Work 00: Getting to Know You

    Due: Thursday 1/30 10:00am

    1. Please fill out the student info form found here: https://forms.gle/guk6e8bcYMtGFAj99