Due: Tuesday 10/22 10:00am

Submission name: w16_bounce

  1. Pull code from thesource repository.
  2. Copy the bounce processing program in to your work repository.
  3. Follow the following prompts. Place your answers at the top of your code using comments.
    • // is the inline comment symbol, used to comment a single line of code.
    • /* */ is the block coment symbol, anything between the two asterisks will be commented out, including newlines.
  • Task 0
    • Read and run the program, describe, in your own words, in at most 2 sentences, generally what you see and how the program works.
  • Task 1
    • The program has 2 keyboard controls. explain, in your own words, what they do.
  • Task 2
    • Why does the program need variables for udy and lrx but not corresponding variables for x and y for each distinct circle?
  • Task 3
    • WITHOUT ADDING ANY NEW VARIABLES, add a third circle to the program, when run, the program should behave like this:
    • a16_bounce
  • Task 4
    • Add a 4th circle that behaves as follows:
      • It should start at a random position inside the screen (but should be fully visible) and be the same size as the other circles.
      • Initially, it should move one pixel down and one pixel to the left.
      • When it reaches one of the screen edges, it should “bounce” in the same way that the other circles bounce.