Due: Monday 10/20 10:00am

Submission name: w15_events


This program should have a square and a circle, which will respond to events as follows:


  • The circle’s location should be centered at the mouse’s coordinates.
  • When the mouse button is pressed, draw a line from the square’s upper-left corner to the circle’s center. The line should remain on the screen even after the mouse has been released.


  • Pressing the spacebar (' ') should enable or disable all movement (mouse or keyboard based).
  • Pressing q should move the square so that it’s upper left corder is at the center of the screen.
  • You should be able to move the square using the arrow keys or w (up), a (left), s (down), and d (right). (when moving the square, its ok if the line shifts position).

Starter Code:

Use the following global variables and setup for your program:

int squareX;
int squareY;
int circleX;
int circleY;
int lineX;
int lineY;
boolean movement;

void setup() {
  size(600, 400);
  squareX = width/2;
  squareY = height/2;
  movement = true;
  lineX = squareX;
  lineY = squareY;
  fill(255, 0, 255);