Due: Tuesday 10/01 10:00am

Submission name: w12_circles

Write A Processing Program:

This program should produce a row of circles that move across the screen. When the row would go past the edge of the screen, it should instead go back to the left side, and move down. Your program should have the following features:

  • Global Variables
    • int cx, cy: The coordinates for the first circle in the row.
    • int csize: The size of each circle.
    • int circles: The numbers of circles in the row.
  • setup
    • Use the following:
      void setup() {
      size(500, 500);
      csize = 50;
      cx = csize/2;
      cy = csize/2;
      circles = 4;
  • void circleRow(int startx, int starty, int numCircles, int d)
    • Draws a single row of numCircles circles.
    • The center of the first circle should be (startx, starty).
    • Each circle should have a diameter of d
  • draw
    • Calls circleRow
    • Every second, update cx to move to the right size of a circle.
    • If the entire row of circles would go past the edge of the screen, reset cx to the left side, and update cy to move down one circle.

Reference Image:


  • If you get this working, try making a function called circleGrid, that draws a grid of circles instead of a single row.