1. Basic Drawing Functions (line, circle, square, rect, ellipse) |
Can use one basic 2D drawing function. |
Can use two basic drawing functions. |
Can use all the basic drawing functions. |
Can use multiple basic drawing functions to draw a complex shape. |
2. Controlling Color State |
Can set the fill or stroke color of a 2D shape. |
Can set the fill and stroke color of a 2D shape. |
Can set the fill and stroke color and the stroke weight of a 2D shape. |
Can control the fill and stroke colors and the stroke weights of multiple 2D shapes. |
3. Using Colors |
Can set colors using separate Red, Green, and Blue values. |
Can set colors using RGB values or hexcode values. |
Can create and work with color variable types. |
Can explain how the color data type represents color values. |
4. Primitive Variables and Types |
Can declare, initialize, and use int variables. |
Can declare, initialize, and use int and float variables. |
Can explain the differences and use the different integer and floating point variable types. |
Can explain the differences between, use, and explain how the different primitive variables types represent data. |
5. Working with Boolean Values |
Understands the purpose of boolean values. |
Demonstrates the appropriate use of comparison operators. |
Demonstrates the appropriate use of comparison and boolean operators. |
Writes functions that take in boolean values and/or return boolean values. |
8. Custom Functions |
Can identify the return type, name, parameter list, and body of a function. |
Can write a function given a header and description. |
Can write a function, including selecting appropriate return and parameter types. |
Can write multiple functions and use variable scope accurately. |
11. Conditional Statements |
Can use a single if statement correctly. |
Can use combined if and else statements correctly. |
Can use if , else if , and else correctly multiples times in a program. |
Can use multiple styles of combinations of conditional statements (i.e. nested, sequential) in a single program. |