Due R 2022-12-01 08:00

Estimated time required: <=30min/evening+classtime

Step 0: Establish team comms. Fetch KtS.

As a duo, follow the quickstart tutorial generated by your neighbouring duo to

  • make a website,
  • using their framework,
  • to share with the world the thrilling/enlightening/captivating/inspiring/intimate/gory/spellbinding/shocking details of the relationship history and current standing of your duckies.


  • Note anything notable in readme. Include these section headings with corresponding content:
    • DISCO
    • QCC
    • q0 (Did you have to consult resources beyond your Devo-generated on-ramp? Your answer should be a single binary digit.)
    • q0b If answer to preceding question is 1, cite all resources consulted – including verbal consultations and/or neighbouring team’s readme. 1citation/line.)
    • q1 (only to be answered after you have finished… At this point, which FEF do you prefer, and why?)
  • Display team name and roster on rendered page.
  • Reminder: include heading as comment in any source code you create.


  • Simplicity is divine.
  • Use your browser’s developer console…
  • Comment liberally in-line. Speak to your future self and/or future teammates.


  • In your heading, replace your name with your TNPG and roster.
  • Save to workshop as indicated.
    • (e.g., 24_fd_indigoGirls_rayA-saliersE)
    • (e.g., 24_bt_runTheJewels_melineJ-renderM)
path/to/myworkshop$ tree 24_<bt|fd>_<teamname>
├── index.html
├── readme
└── ...
