Due W 2022-11-30 08:00

Estimated time required: <=30min/evening+classtime

the other kind of merge conflict

Step 0: Establish team comms. Fetch KtS.

As a duo…

  1. As a duo, look up either the bootstrap or foundation front-end framework (to be assigned in class).
  2. Research your framework. Test. Play around. Discard fails. Start over. Etc…
  3. Create a single html page that demonstrates the key features of your framework.


  • Note anything notable in readme
  • Display team name and roster on rendered page.
  • Reminder: include heading as comment in source code files.
  • Your “on-ramp” should not be too complicated:
    • You do not need to showcase every feature in the framework.
    • Highlight the most attractive/useful features of your framework.
    • Your page should provide a simpler on-ramp than the site from which you learned.
  • For now, your primary focus is the CSS-y aspects of your framework (as opposed to the JS-y parts).
  • Your external stylesheet linkage should reference your framework’s CDN.
  • Use QAF liberally.


  • Simplicity is divine.
  • Use your browser’s developer console…
  • Comment liberally in-line. Speak to your future self and/or future teammates.


  • Save to workshop as indicated. (Identical code in each Devo’s folder)
    • (e.g., 23_bt_indigoGirls_rayA-saliersE)
    • (e.g., 23_fd_runTheJewels_melineJ-renderM)
  • In your heading, replace your name with your TNPG and roster.
  • Include framework files necessary to load your page as intended.
path/to/myworkshop$ tree 23_<bt|fd>_<teamname>
├── index.html
├── readme
└── ...
