Due W 2022-11-30 08:00

Estimated time required: <=30min/evening+classtime


As a duo…

  1. (re)Familiarize yourself with the layout and SOP of our local API Knowledge Base.
  2. Strap on test harness and Ideation Helmet.
  3. Select an API card of interest from our local knowledge base.
  4. Follow its instructions, test the API in question. Make it work for yourself.
  5. Document your findings. (Note anything notable as you go on your KtS. Update kb carb appropriately. Credit thyself.)
  6. Repeat for a second card.


  • USE THE TOKEN. Pull before you push.
  • Use QAF liberally.


  • Evidence of verification/review/edit of at least one kb card by each Devo: (tested by ____ on ____ at bottom of card )