W 2022-11-23 08:00 EST

Estimated time required: <=30min/evening+classtime

hopefully you WILL go to space today

Your Duo Mission:

Step 0: Come together. “Form like Voltron.”

  1. Procure an API key from NASA Open APIs.
  2. Verify that your key works by making a simple HTTP request using your new key.
    • Have dev console open while you do this…
    • Note anything notable.
    • Use QAF liberally.
  3. Write a Flask app
    • whose sole route
    • renders a template, which
    • displays image(s) procured via API call,
    • along with a bit of explanation of the image content. (You need only 2 files to accomplish this.)


  • Note anything notable in readme. (Include DISCO and QCC sections.)
  • Display team name and roster on rendered page.
  • Store your API key in a plaintext file as indicated, but do not have git track it. (Your key should be the sole content of the file.)
  • Reminder: include heading as comment in your html and python files.


  • Simplicity is divine.
  • Diagnostic print statements are your friend.
    • Use them liberally.
    • When not in use, comment out rather than delete.
  • Pay close attention to Flask console during development.
  • Use your browser’s developer console…
  • Comment liberally in-line. Speak to your future self and/or future teammates.


  • In your heading, replace your name with your TNPG and roster.
  • Save to workshop as indicated.
path/to/myworkshop/20_restapi$ tree
├── app.py
├── key_nasa.txt
├── readme
└── templates
    └── main.html