Due F 2022-10-28 08:00

Estimated time required: <=30min/evening+classtime

aloha ohana


Your team advertises proficiency with Flask, Python, and SQLite. Your team has been contracted to design and implement a newfangled webapp called a “wiki.”

Your “software solution,” to use the parlance of our times, will incorporate a few distinct components, so it is imperative that your team develop a design before taking any further steps.

Your team’s first order of business is reaching agreement as to how your project will be organized and how you will divide work. It will be imperative you have a shared organizational model of your target.

Enter the design document. Design by next class session.

(Nota bene: This is your only deliverable for next class. All your efforts should be directed to doing this job well; do not spend time working on other aspects of the project. That will come later…)

Design Document Specifications:

  • A list of program components with role of each specified. (e.g., a car engine is comprised of various components: carburetor, alternator, radiator, spark plugs, etc. Each must perform its role for the engine to do its overall job.)
  • Explanation of how each component relates to the others.
    • Component map visualizing relationships between components.
  • Database Organization (tables? Relationships b/t tables? etc.)
  • Site map for front end
    • Represent each page you envision for your site.
    • Show linkages conveying all possilbe pathways for a user traversing site.
  • A breakdown of the different tasks required to complete this project
    • Include assignments of each task to each group member
  • Amalgamate these components into a single PDF, store in designated location.

Project Guidelines:

  • Flask will serve as your web server/delivery framework.
  • SQLite3 will serve as your backend data storage system.
  • Multiple Python files should be used, as necessary, for application layer. (a.k.a. “middleware” modules, etc.)
  • CSS: There shalt be none.

Your website will incorporate a few distinct components, so it is imperative that your team develop a design and agree upon roles before you move to implementation.


  • PDF in appropriate location (identical for each teammate)
  • Bring hardcopy to class.
path/to/myworkshop/p00_wiki$ tree
├── design.pdf
└── readme