Due T 2022-10-18 08:00

Estimated time required: <=30min/evening+classtime

Your Trio Mission:

Step 0: Come together. “Form like Voltron.” Learn each others’ names. Introduce Duckies, fetch KtS…

Write a Flask app to echo to a site visitor their input via an HTML form. Use provided code as starting point.

Your app’s response should be

  • visible to your visitor as a rendered page in the browser,
  • produced via template,
  • include username entered,
  • include request method used,
  • include your greeting to this person
  • showcase your clearest breakdown of the differences between a GET and POST request (generalizations welcome, but give treatment specifically to handling these in the context of a Flask app, using the shared codebase you all started from)


  • Use QAF liberally.
  • Simplicity is divine.
  • Note anything notable in readme in app’s root directory. (NOTA BENE: This one is in github-flavoured markdown…)
  • Display team name and roster on landing page and response page.
  • Reminder: include heading as comment in your html and python files.


  • In your heading, replace your name with your TNPG and roster.
  • Save to workshop as indicated.
path/to/myworkshop/12_flask-forms$ tree
├── app.py
├── readme.md
└── templates
    ├── login.html
    └── response.html

you will NOT need all of this; the relevant zones could help a great deal though