Due F 2022-10-14 08:00

Estimated time required: <=30min/evening+classtime

Step 0: Establish team comms. Fetch KtS.

Your Trio Mission:

  1. In a new folder in your workshop, save a copy of the starter kit for using flask (and its Jinja2 templating engine) to serve templated pages.
  2. As a team…
    • Familiarize yourself with the app directory structure and the files’ content.
    • Note anything notable. Especially questions
    • Predict expected behaviors.
    • Spin up your website, serving from localhost, and reconcile behavior with prediction.
    • Record your notes in readme in app’s root directory.


  • Note anything notable in readme
  • Use QAF liberally.


  • Save to workshop as indicated.
path/to/myworkshop$ tree 10_flask-jinja
├── app.py
├── readme
└── templates
    └── model_tmplt.html