
Mr. DW’s Contact Info

  • email:
  • office: 301

Class Resources:

Your Responsibilities:

  1. Be a good human being!
    • Treat each other (and me) with respect and kindness.
    • Take care of the classroom and the equipment contained within.
    • Be courteous to your classmates.
  2. Come to class!
    • “80% of success is showing up.”
    • If you’re not here, you can’t learn, and you can’t work with your classmates.
    • If you are absent or late, have a note ready.
    • A large portion of this class involves working in groups, if you’re not here, you are letting your group down.
    • If you are absent for a test, you must have a note from your parent/guardian in order to make it up.
  3. Do the work!
    • There will be homework/classwork assignments and large projects.
    • All work/projects will be submitted online.
    • *work assignments
      • These are small nightly-ish assignments.
      • Some of these will be pair assignments, be prepared to work with others.
      • Solutions to these assignments will always be posted afterwards.
      • This may vary, but will generally be 1-3 days after the assignment is due. Once a solution is posted, you cannot receive late credit.
      • You cannot submit all missed work at the end of the semester or marking period and expect to get credit.
    • Projects
      • There will be ~3 large projects during the semester.
      • They may be group projects.
      • You will have time in class to work on them, but they will require outside work as well.
      • Projects will count the same as tests.
    • Tests
      • There will be 2-3 exams during the semester.
      • Tests will be done on paper, with no electronic assistance.
      • The class day before a test will have review time, but you must come armed with questions!
      • CS tests are commonly on Friday, unless the school schedule changes.
    • My goal is to not overburden you with work, but that means that missing an assignment in this class will have a larger impact on your grade than missing an assignment in a class with nightly homework (because that’s how math works).
    • Submit your own work. Anyone caught plagiarizing will receive a 0 for the assignment along with further disciplinary action as required by school policy (Check out How to compsci at stuy if you need a refresher on academic dishonesty).
  4. The only way to fail this class is to violate the previous 2 points (I cannot give poor grades for not being a good human being, but there are much larger repercussions for failing in that area that will last much longer than a high school class grade).

My Responsibilities:

  1. Be a good human being.
  2. Create a class environment that is welcoming and conducive to learning.
  3. Provide meaningful (read: not busywork) assignments.
  4. Teach you something about computer science, programming, computational thinking and other cool stuff.